Sometimes an underground watering system isn’t feasible and a portable watering system is needed. At Sprinkler World we have what you are looking for, no matter your application! One of the manufacturers we carry is K-Line. K-line systems can be moved while they are operating fairly easily and within a few minutes using an ATV. Their sprinklers are pressure compensated …
Plants that attract Hummingbirds!
Hummingbird Facts They are the tiniest of all birds, weighing less than an ounce and measuring only 3 inches long. Their brightly-colored, iridescent feathers and quick movements make them appear as living sun catchers—hence their nickname, flying jewels. They have a unique ability to fly in any direction, even backward, with their wings beating up to a blurring 80 beats per second. Plus, …
Seeding and Sod tips
SEEDING Never layer the soil with a topical amendment. Always till it in. Level the soil as best as possible. The new soil needs to settle naturally or by watering again. Rake to remove rocks and so the soil has small groves in it. Place the seed on the soil using a seed spreader. Put 1/2 of the seed down …
Slow Growing Fine Fescue Ideal for Low Maintenance Situations
Low maintenance, high performing fine fescue. Fine fescue species, such as creeping red (Festuca rubra), chewing (Festuca rubra subsp. commutata), sheep (Festuca ovina), and hard (Festuca longifolia), are best suited for cooler climates. Reduced input (water and fertilizer) requirements make these grasses ideal for low maintenance situations like roadsides, vineyards, orchards, soil reclamation sites and areas with hillside erosion. Fine …
Echo’s Newest Trimmer ProXtreme Series SRM-2620
Calling the ECHO ProXtreme Series the most powerful 26cc engine family ever developed, ECHO is redefining the performance standard for professional landscapers with the launch of its new 2620 products. The new ECHO 2620 lineup includes a standard trimmer (SRM-2620), a high-torque trimmer (SRM-2620T), a brushcutter (SRM-2620U), and an edger (PE-2620). The ProXtreme Series 2620 power head is what makes …